Blake - Good solid rig I did a lip sync exercise with and found to be a very solid rig.
Moom - one of the more appealing free character rigs out there. Seen a lot of nice animation with it as well.
Norman - a very well known rig from the Academy of Art that was used for all of the early Pixar classes there.
Koko - little dog rig I haven't gotten to play with (though it's on my list of things to do). Really like the character design.
autoTangent - I LOVE this script. Enables me to work the way I like which is as little time in the graph editor as possible. Allows you to create nice curved tangents with no overshoot.
abxPicker - Script for easily building a character UI
tweenMachine - Great script for helping to do your breakdowns. I don't think I can live with out this script now.
jbExportQss- Exports quick selection sets to a mel to recreate them in another file or on another character. I wrote this one and, having spent the time to make it, find it quite useful
The Setup Machine - if you like making characters and don't wanna take the time to do a good solid rig or just don't have the ability. This is a great package and easily worth it's cost in saved time.
zooToolBox - SO MANY great tools in here for both rigging and animation. Dig in.