Memorial Health Ad

Intro::This was a very fun project. I did this piece in 3d Character Animation two for a contest sponsered by a local hospital for SCAD animation students to produce a 30 second ad for them. This is what I came up with.

Synopsis: I wanted to do something fun with this piece. After going through a bunch of bad ideas I came up with focusing on their sports medicine division. I came up with 3 sports for the piece and this is what we got.

Production Technique: All 3d work done in Lightwave 7.5, Compositing in After Effects

Who done it: I did all the 3d work, my good friend Anthony Dodero did the motion graphics and sound. The music track was provided by the Hospital

Completion Date: Fall 2003

Animatics: Stayed pretty faithful to the animatic on this one. Only thing I really changed was the order of the sports and I lost the taglines between sports.

Animatic (Sorensen Quicktime 5.2meg)

Lessons Learned:

  • Compositing is king
  • Composting Sasquatch grass in a separate pass in Lightwave is not very easy
  • Play to your strengths (Thanks Anthony)
  • It's easier to animate without legs and arms:)


  • 1st Place in a contest sponsered by Memorial Health for SCAD animations students to produce an ad utilizing their orange ball logo


All the stuff on this site is © 2000 - by Josh Burton...unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.